Below is list of related reading.


'Themes in Judges' Sentencing Remarks for Male and Female Domestic Murderers' - Guy Hall, Marion Whittle and Courtney Field

'Battered Women Who Kill: Have We Grasped The Nettle?' by Dr Amanda Clough

Sex-differences and 'domestic violence murders' by Karen Ingala Smith

When sexual infidelity triggers murder: examining the impact of homicide law reform on judicial attitudes in sentencing by Jeremy Horder & Kate Fitz-Gibbon  

Coroners and Justice Act 2009: Replacing Provocation with Loss of Control by Vincent McAviney

Securing Fair Outcomes for Battered Women Charged with Homicide: Analysing Defence Lawyering in R v Falls by Elizabeth A. Sheehy, Julie Stubbs & Julia Tolmie



Home Truths About Domestic Violence: Feminist Influences on Policy and Practice - A Reader: Feminist Influences on Policy and Practices: a Reader by  Jalna Hanmer (Editor), Catherine Itzin (Editor)

Loss of Control and Diminished Responsibility: Domestic, Comparative and International Perspectives by Alan Reed (Author), Michael Bohlander (Editor)

Domestic Violence and Criminal Justice by Nicola Groves  (Author), Terry Thomas (Author)

Domestic abuse, homicide and Gender: strategies for policy and practice by Jane Monckton-Smith (author), Amanda Williams (author)

Legal Responses to Domestic Violence by Mandy Burton